How To Get Cure From Blood Cancer?

How To Get Cure From Blood Cancer?


Our blood cells are a vital source of life that is put at risk by blood cancer. Blood cells actually give us life, protect our immune system, and prevent unintentional bleeding. To combat blood cancer, numerous new treatments are now available.

Compared to other cancers, blood cancer carries a lower risk. The survival rate of blood cancer varies depending on the type, but the majority of patients survived for a long time thanks to modern medical treatment. A medical oncologist in Siliguri might be able to show you how to treat blood cancer correctly.

What Is Blood Cancer?

Generally, blood cancer starts at the center of the bone marrow where oft sponge-like material is present. Blood cells naturally fight against any disease and infection, and provide oxygen to the body.

In case, if you are get affected by blood cancer,abnormal blood cells getoverwhelmed and create a health problem that results in, sudden disruption of normal blood cell production. Consult your oncologist to get the high-level therapy that might live longer at this point.

How Many Types Of Blood Cancer Are There?

There are three types of blood cancer generally happens. These are:

  • Leukemia
  • Lymphoma
  • Myeloma

What Are The Conditions Of Blood Cancer?

When blood cells’ DNA are mutated blood cancer occurs.There are no specific causes for mutation. Your blood cells grow abnormally than normal due to a result of unknown instructions, and as a result, they accumulate in your bone marrow.

At the same time, the bone marrow produces some normal cells however, the number of normal cells is limited. As the limitation of numbers, the normal cells are then unable to supply oxygen to the body and control infection rates too.

What Are The Symptoms Of Blood Cancer?

  • Fever
  • Dizziness
  • Bone pain
  • Sudden perspiration
  • Unnatural bleeding
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Infectious disease
  • Swollen lymph nodes

How Did Your Oncologist Diagnose Blood Cancer?

Your oncologist initially asks about your symptoms and medical history. After completing the physical examination your doctor advises you the following tests such as:

  • Complete blood count
  • Blood cells examination
  • Blood chemistry test
  • Bone marrow biopsy
  • CT Scan
  • MRI
  • Pet CT Scan

How Do You Get A Cure For Blood Cancer?

Blood cancer treatment is always dependent on a specific method. It has certain capabilities at times. After asking you a few basic questions about your age, medical history, symptoms, severity, and side effects, your medical oncologist in Siliguri develops a treatment plan for you that includes:

  • Radiation Therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Car-T Cell Therapy
  • Targeted drug therapy
  • Autologous stem transplant
  • Allogenic stem cell transplant

Even if you have blood cancer, an advanced treatment system gives you a long life. Patients who have blood cancer or are in remission now live longer. Even though it's a serious health problem, you should talk to your doctor about the possibility of a cure, its potential side effects, your treatment options, and other things.

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